#Brendi K Seiner
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americasnttopmodel · 5 years ago
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Khrystyana Kazakova
Jeana Turner
Christina McDonald
Liberty Netuschil
Brendi K Seiner
Erin Green
Shanice Carroll
Kyla Coleman
Rio Summers
Sandra Shehab
- Cycle 24
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antmrankings · 7 years ago
id love to hear the order of how you think elimination is going to be!! But Id say Jeana is going to win or at last top 3, and the other to Kyla and Khrystyana
Umm, this cycle is a bit more difficult to read than last cycle. I remember I knew within seconds of seeing Tatiana and India’s interviews that they would be the final two, but I didn’t get any such vibes this time. The only thing that was painfully obvious was that Maggie would be the first one eliminated (none of the judges liked her, she had no real story for reality tv, and the “white homegirl” thing was such bs).
If I had to guess how it’d go down, it’d be something like this (though it’s probably horribly off):
Khrystyana - I go back and forth on her. There was a moment in this episode where I felt she was getting the Allison edit, but she’s literally the only contestant I can see winning. The winners are always obvious, and Khrystyana seems the obvious choice to me given she’s not stick-thin and she’s over 30, and also shows modeling potential.
Kyla - Her edit is just the right mix of boring and interesting to make her the obvious runner-up. I think her modeling abilities will carry her far, and the judges will use her to justify whoever they want to win, as Kyla is too much of a typical model to represent this cycle as its winner.
Rio - Seems to represent just about everything they want from this cycle, so I think she’s a possible candidate for the win in the eyes of the judges. However, I get the vibe that she cracks under pressure. Top 3 seems about right for her edit to me, so far.
Jeana - I think she’s the fake-out frontrunner. The one that’s meant to distract us from the real winner that is hiding in plain sight. Top 4 is usually the shocker elimination, so I think it’ll be her.
Christina - I think she’ll wind up being this cycle’s villain. She’s mild-mannered for now, but as the weeks go on she’ll definitely crack. Plus, she’s a decent model so the judges will be able to use that as reason to keep her around.
Erin - I think she’ll go far purely based on her age, as it’s sure to eventually cause drama in the house (Baby Boomers tend not to get along with Millennials or iGen for extended periods of time).
Coura - Seems like the frontrunner right now, but I guarantee that’ll change. She doesn’t have a reality tv personality, and she doesn’t match the message they’re trying to send this cycle. Too much of a legit model for this cycle.
Liz - At one point I would have said that Liz would win, but that walk…lol. She has the personality they’re looking for, which will keep her on for a good while, but eventually the judges are going to crack down on her. She’ll probably be in the bottom 2 a few weeks in a row.
Sandra - I think Sandra could land here, or maybe switch spots with Erin. She seems like she’ll have a few good reality tv moments, but none of the judges seem to be taking her seriously as a model. If her edit stays as bland as it is now, she’ll probably land here, but if she become the source of drama she’ll probably be more where Erin is on my prediction.
Shanice - She’s one of the ones I’m least sure about. The judges seem to love her for whatever reason, but I also get the feeling that they’ll cut her the second they don’t like something she does.
Liberty - The Trump supporter that they obviously cast to have a feud with activist Kyla. I assume they’ll keep her for a bit for the drama, but then promptly eliminate her because they don’t want to risk her becoming the likable villain. They’ll probably disguise her elimination as her being too “bland” or whatever, though.
Rhiyan - Who? No, but really, her edit is non-existent. I’ll be shocked if she makes it further than this.
Brendi K. - It seems like clients love her, but the show refuses to give her any positive attention, so she’s probably an early out.
Ivana - She’s super insecure and the show is throwing it in our faces. I don’t think they’re likely to give her many more chances.
Maggie - Obviously this already happened, but I would have guessed her as first out even before this episode because her edit was so dry.
Let me know your thoughts on this prediction, everyone!
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potledom · 3 years ago
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Tyra + lessons [2/?]: Mirror Selfies
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ranking-antm · 7 years ago
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#14 - Brendi K Seiner
Oh, boy. What the hell is going on here? First off, while this is not Brendi K’s fault, that baby belly is not working for her. The profile looks really fake. She’s pushing it out way too much, and it’s really unflattering. She’s also got one leg and a weird goblin arm sticking out of the bump. I don’t really like what she’s doing with her face either. She just looks dazed and out of it. 
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topmodelranking · 7 years ago
Brendi K Seiner
I feel like I had to make this post for anyone who happens not to follow ANTM on Instagram, but we finally found out what the K stands for...and it is literally just her middle name. Kaitlyn (Kaitlin/Katelyn or however it is spelt). It just happens she always grew up being called Brendi K, still didn’t explain why, is Brendi a particularly common name in America?
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paddylast · 7 years ago
America's Next Top Model Cycle 24 Episode 12 Photoshoot - Beauty is a Comeback
America’s Next Top Model Cycle 24 Episode 12 Photoshoot – Beauty is a Comeback
SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! Not only is Jeana coming back to serve more tea for the other girls, we’re also blessed by Cycle 3 winner Eva Marcille (Gaaahh remember the epic face-off between Yaya and Eva, and Anne almost toppling her in the end?) and also one of the former longest judges of the show, Nigel Barker. They recreated one of the shoots in Cycle 3 that made Eva the one to beat in the…
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americasnttopmodel · 5 years ago
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Shanice Carroll 
Khrystyana Kazakova
Erin Green 
Rio Summers
Bottom Two: Jeana Turner &  Kyla Coleman
Quit: Brendi K Seiner
- Cycle 24
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antmrankingskd · 5 years ago
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13. Brendi K.
My call-out average: 8.63 (8.89)
Panel call-out average: 6.12
Brendi K. was probably the girl who outstayed her welcome the most. I will say that her look was strong, though the buzzcut makeover they gave her seemed to hinder her more than it helped her. However, her portfolio was generally very weak. She had a stellar shot in the Beauty Sandwich shoot and solid showings in the Avant Garden and Raw shoots, but the rest of her photos ranged from painfully amateur to painfully bad. She almost always struggled with maintaining intensity with her eyes and often seemed to second guess her poses. The other thing keeping her mired down in the lower portion of this ranking is her walk. She struggled massively every time runway came up and she never seemed sure of herself while walking. Brendi received a lot of inexplicably high call-outs from the panel, especially right after her first bottom 2 appearance, and I still believe that the judges would’ve kept her in the running had she not quit. That wouldn’t have made any sense because by that point in the competition she was easily the weakest girl left. Overall, Brendi’s run was lackluster; she had potential, but her natural ability wasn’t honed and her self doubt and inability to take critiques held her back even more. Brendi was one of my least favorite personalities in the cast. She was so abrasive to almost everyone and threw unprofessional fits on set about her styling and other issues. She wasn’t in the right headspace for the competition, and taking herself out was the smartest move for her (though I wish it had happened earlier).
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antmrankingsfr · 7 years ago
Cycle 24 Call Out Order Averages
1. Jeana: 2,79
2. Khrystyana: 3,5
3. Liberty: 4,71
4. Kyla: 5,64
5. Brendi K: 6
6. Shanice: 6,08
7. Christina: 6,25
7. Rio: 6,25
9. Liz: 6,5
10. Erin: 7,27
11. Sandra: 7,625
12. Coura: 7,8
13. Maggie: 8
14. Rhiyan: 8,25
15. Ivana: 13,33
I didn’t include my makeovers call out order to make these averages, because it didn’t affect much the final order. These averages pretty much reflect my opinion about the cycle 24 cast photo-wise. Christina is being hurt by her rocky start, while Kyla placed higher than I thought obviously because of how far she has come as well as Rio having high call outs in the beginning before completely nosediving about halfway through the competition. Jeana totally is dominating, followed by Khrystyana and Liberty, and poor Ivana lands at the rock bottom because of not having the time to take a single good photo.
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potledom · 3 years ago
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justchristinaar · 7 years ago
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ranking-antm · 7 years ago
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#6 - Brendi K Seiner
Some people may think this is overrated, but I actually really like this photo. This photo looks like it could have been taken out of a magazine spread. Brendi K is exhibiting an air of expense, debonair and regality, and her pose is great. If I had to nitpick, her eyes are bringing a half smize rather than a full one, and her left arm’s straightness is a little awkward looking. Overall, though, this is one of my favorite photos from this shoot.
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topmodelranking · 7 years ago
Brendi is not a common name in America at all. In fact I've never heard it as nickname either. Brendi K's real name is Brenda. Look up "Brenda Seiner" and the antm wiki comes up with her real name.
Why change from Brenda to Brendi…I feel like now the mystery has gone from what the K stands for, to why change your name to something so damn similar. I need to know this now too…
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paddylast · 7 years ago
America's Next Top Model Cycle 24 Episode 10 Photoshoot - Beauty is Real
America’s Next Top Model Cycle 24 Episode 10 Photoshoot – Beauty is Real
Now that the Binibining Pilipinas 2018 season is finally over and the new queens have been crowned, I now have time to update myself with some ANTM stuff. I was able to catch last week’s episode but was too occupied to do a recap of some sort. Anyway, just to give you a quick recap from the ninth episode – as you may already know, nobody got the boot since perceived frontrunner Brendi K decided…
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americasnttopmodel · 5 years ago
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Kyla Coleman 
Jeana Turner
Shanice Carroll
Erin Green
Brendi K Seiner
Rio Summers
Bottom Two: Khrystyana Kazakova
Eliminated: Sandra Shehab
- Cycle 24
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antmrankingskd · 5 years ago
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7. Brendi K.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Brendi would’ve survived the week if she hadn’t quit, but in my opinion this shot should’ve sent her packing either way. Her pose has zero energy whatsoever. The half-assed raised arms and limp body language don’t work at all. Her face photographed fairly well, but her expression is very puzzled and lost. It’s a very blah photo and a sour note for Brendi to leave on.
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